
What is Citizen.Wait?

Citizen.Wait is a function that allows you to pause the execution of the current thread for a specified amount of time. This can be useful for creating delays, scheduling tasks, or controlling the flow of your script.

Under the hood Citizen.Wait uses Lua coroutines, this means that they cannot be called outside of the scope of a coroutine (like CreateThread).


Citizen.Wait(int milliseconds)

Note: You can also use Wait alias to simplify your code and save some typing.

Required Arguments

  • milliseconds: The amount of milliseconds to pause the current thread. This value determines how long the script will wait before continuing execution.


Basic Delay

    print("Starting delay...")
    Wait(2000) -- Wait for 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds)
    print("2 seconds have passed!")

In this example, the script prints a message, waits for 2 seconds, and then prints another message.

Using Citizen.Wait in a Loop

    while true do
        print("This message will print every 5 seconds.")
        Wait(5000) -- Wait for 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds)

In this example, the script will continuously print a message every 5 seconds.

    -- define how long we want to sleep for, by default we want to run per-frame
    local sleep = 0
    while true do
		-- check if `E` was just pressed
        if IsJustControlPressed(0, 38) then
			-- we don't want to update for another second
            sleep = 1000
            if IsPedRunning(PlayerPedId()) then
                print("Player is running!")
        Wait(sleep) -- wait for however long `sleep` is defined as.

This allow you to change the Wait time to avoid having to always check when not necessary.

Things to keep in mind

Wait(0) will pause the current coroutine until the next game tick.

Wait(2000) will pause the current coroutine for approximately 2000 ms (2 seconds).

If a player is running at 60 fps they will have a tick happen once every 16.6ms.

If a player is running at 180 fps they will have a tick happen once every 5.5ms.

Best Practices

  1. Something that needs to run per frame should use Wait(0): If something is required to run on every frame, you should always use Wait(0) using Wait(5), Wait(10), etc will cause ticks to be missed on higher frame rates.
  2. Avoid calling heavy natives per-tick: Don’t call expensive native calls like START_EXPENSIVE_SYNCHRONOUS_SHAPE_TEST_LOS_PROBE per-frame if it can be avoided.
  3. Cache frequently called natives: Certain natives like PLAYER_PED_ID and GET_PLAYER_PED change infrequently, you can cache these in another CreateThread that runs less often to save some native calling overhead.
Last modified August 14, 2024: feat(wait/doc): complete page (#431) (95c21ed)