
Called when a player is connecting to the server.


string playerName, function setKickReason, object deferrals
  • playerName: The player name of the player connecting.
  • setKickReason: A function used to set a reason message for when the event is canceled.
  • deferrals: An object used to ‘defer’ accepting connections to a later tick.
  • source: The source object is a temporary player ID, that can be used with a limited set of functions only.

Deferring connections

Using deferrals allows you to make a connection request complete at a later time, for example when you have to wait for an asynchronous task to complete beforehand, such as a database or web API query.

The deferrals object contains the following members to achieve such:

defer(): void

deferrals.defer will initialize deferrals for the current resource. It is required to wait for at least a tick after calling defer before calling update, presentCard or done.

update(message: string): void

deferrals.update will send a progress message to the connecting client.

presentCard(card: object | string, cb?: (data: object, rawData: string) => void): void

deferrals.presentCard will send an Adaptive Card to the client.

card can be an object containing card data, or a serialized JSON string with the card information. cb, if present, will be invoked on an Action.Submit event from the Adaptive Card.

done(failureReason?: string): void

deferrals.done finalizes a deferral. It is required to wait for at least a tick before calling done after calling a prior deferral method.

If failureReason is specified, the connection will be refused, and the user will see the specified message as a result. If this is not specified, the user will be allowed to connect.

Dynamic handover

deferrals.handover will allow you to provide a set of endpoints for a specific player on connection.

This will look like this:

    endpoints = { "" }


This example checks a connecting player’s license identifier against a ban list. If the player is in the ban list, they get kicked, otherwise they are allowed to connect.

C# example:
// In class constructor
EventHandlers["playerConnecting"] += new Action<Player, string, dynamic, dynamic>(OnPlayerConnecting);

// Delegate method
private async void OnPlayerConnecting([FromSource]Player player, string playerName, dynamic setKickReason, dynamic deferrals)

    // mandatory wait!
    await Delay(0);

    var licenseIdentifier = player.Identifiers["license"];

    Debug.WriteLine($"A player with the name {playerName} (Identifier: [{licenseIdentifier}]) is connecting to the server.");

    deferrals.update($"Hello {playerName}, your license [{licenseIdentifier}] is being checked");

    // Checking ban list
    // - assuming you have a function called IsBanned of type Task<bool>
    // - normally you'd do a database query here, which might take some time
    if (await IsBanned(licenseIdentifier))
        deferrals.done($"You have been kicked (Reason: [Banned])! Please contact the server administration (Identifier: [{licenseIdentifier}]).");


These examples check (badly) if Steam is present.

Lua example:
local function OnPlayerConnecting(name, setKickReason, deferrals)
    local player = source
    local steamIdentifier
    local identifiers = GetPlayerIdentifiers(player)

    -- mandatory wait!

    deferrals.update(string.format("Hello %s. Your Steam ID is being checked.", name))

    for _, v in pairs(identifiers) do
        if string.find(v, "steam") then
            steamIdentifier = v

    -- mandatory wait!

    if not steamIdentifier then
        deferrals.done("You are not connected to Steam.")

AddEventHandler("playerConnecting", OnPlayerConnecting)

Non-deferral version (which can’t wait):

local function OnPlayerConnecting(name, setKickReason, deferrals)
    local player = source
    local steamIdentifier
    local identifiers = GetPlayerIdentifiers(player)

    for _, v in pairs(identifiers) do
        if string.find(v, "steam") then
            steamIdentifier = v

    if not steamIdentifier then
        setKickReason("You are not connected to Steam.")

AddEventHandler("playerConnecting", OnPlayerConnecting)
JavaScript example:

on('playerConnecting', (name, setKickReason, deferrals) => {

    const player = global.source;

    setTimeout(() => {
        deferrals.update(`Hello ${name}. Your steam ID is being checked.`)

        let steamIdentifier = null;

        for (let i = 0; i < GetNumPlayerIdentifiers(player); i++) {
            const identifier = GetPlayerIdentifier(player, i);

            if (identifier.includes('steam:')) {
                steamIdentifier = identifier;

        // pretend to be a wait
        setTimeout(() => {
            if (steamIdentifier === null) {
                deferrals.done("You are not connected to Steam.")
            } else {
        }, 0)
    }, 0)
Last modified October 7, 2024: Fixed a few links and typos (4efa70d)