NUI callbacks
NUI can also send calls back to the game using so-called ‘NUI callbacks’. These are currently only fully supported in Lua, other languages can be used but need a bit of a tricky workaround as these predate function references in codegen.
Generally, you’ll use the RegisterNUICallback function in Lua, and the REGISTER_NUI_CALLBACK_TYPE native along with an event handler in other languages.
Both work very similarly, and we’ll describe both below:
Registering a NUI callback in Lua
RegisterNUICallback('getItemInfo', function(data, cb)
-- POST data gets parsed as JSON automatically
local itemId = data.itemId
if not itemCache[itemId] then
cb({ error = 'No such item!' })
-- and so does callback response data
Registering a NUI callback in C#/JS
// JS
RegisterNuiCallbackType('getItemInfo') // register the type
// register a magic event name
on('__cfx_nui:getItemInfo', (data, cb) => {
const itemId = data.itemId;
if (!itemCache[itemId]) {
cb({ error: 'No such item!' });
// C#
RegisterNuiCallbackType("getItemInfo"); // register the type
// register the event handler with manual marshaling
EventHandlers["__cfx_nui:getItemInfo"] += new Action<IDictionary<string, object>, CallbackDelegate>((data, cb) =>
// get itemId from the object
// alternately you could use `dynamic` and rely on the DLR
if (data.TryGetValue("itemId", out var itemIdObj))
error = "Item ID not specified!"
// cast away
var itemId = (itemIdObj as string) ?? "";
// same as above
if (!ItemCache.TryGetValue(itemId, out Item item))
error = "No such item!"
Invoking the NUI callback
// browser-side JS
fetch(`https://${GetParentResourceName()}/getItemInfo`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
body: JSON.stringify({
itemId: 'my-item'
}).then(resp => resp.json()).then(resp => console.log(resp));
To prevent requests from stalling, you have to return the callback at all times - even if containing just an empty
object, or {"ok":true}
, or similar.
Last modified August 31, 2021: fix(nui): update some info (b8e1432)