

This export allows you to choose specifically when or where to spawn a player. You’ll most likely want to use this if you’ve turned off the auto-spawn flag with setAutoSpawn.

Once the player has spawned, the playerSpawned event will be triggered.




spawnIdx, function callback(object spawn)

Optional Arguments

  • spawnIdx this can be a spawn point from a map resource registered by mapmanager, or can be added with addSpawnPoint. Instead of an integer, you can pass a table defining a spawn point. If this isn’t specified, a random spawn point will be picked out of the already registered spawn points (if any).

  • callback is executed once the player has successfully spawned and passes a spawn object as specified in playerSpawned.


Lua Example:
-- Spawns the player at a random spawnpoint
-- Spawns the player at a specific spawnpoint with a callback
exports.spawnmanager:spawnPlayer(1, function(spawn)
    TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { args = { 'You have spawned! Congrats!' } })
-- Spawns the player by passing a table as a spawnpoint
    x = 466.8401,
    y = 197.7201,
    z = 111.5291,
    heading = 291.71,
    model = 'a_m_m_farmer_01',
    skipFade = false

model is optional in this case. Not specifying it will preserve whatever ped model the player was using beforehand, or if it’s their initial spawn it will spawn them as Michael.

Last modified September 13, 2020: Update (4ecbf53)