object spawnInfo
- spawnInfo: An object containing the following information:
- (float) x: The x coordinate of where the player spawned to.
- (float) y: The y coordinate of where the player spawned to.
- (float) z: The z coordinate of where the player spawned to.
- (float) heading: The heading that the player is facing when spawned.
- (int) idx: The spawnpoint index.
- (Hash) model: The ped model hash the player spawned as.
- (bool) skipFade: Whether the fade was skipped when the player spawned.
z: 111.5291,
y: 197.7201,
x: 466.8401,
heading: 291.71,
idx: 6,
model: 1631478380
Last modified April 1, 2020: Fix some of the notes on the 'spawn' object (d001372)