
Resources in FxDK are no different from normal resources, you can put all your good old resources right into FxDK project, enable them and they’ll work the same.

Like any other asset in FxDK you can enable/disable resources, enabled resources won’t be loaded and won’t participate in project builds.

Current limitations

No player identifiers

In FxDK environment you don’t have access to player identifiers, yet, see this GitHub issue for more information:

Until it gets implemented, please use sv_fxdkMode convar to tweak your code so it can distinguish if player identifiers available. It will be set to integer 1 when running in FxDK.

Use it like this:

local fxdkMode = GetConvarInt('sv_fxdkMode', 0) == 1

Just as with GET_PLAYER_IDENTIFIER and GET_NUM_PLAYER_IDENTIFIERS this check can only be performed in server-side code.

Autorestart on change

One key feature of FxDK is that changing files that are part of resource will restart them automatically on the fly so you’ll see changes taking effect almost immediately and completely automatically, no more Alt+Tab to server, F8, > restart my_resource.

This feature can be toggled on/off as well, in project explorer you’ll notice this A letter next to resource - this is an indicator for autorestart, green if enabled, white if not, clicking on it will toggle state as well as from context menu.


Resource can declaratively tell FxDK what convars it is able to consume, they’ll appear in project settings under Variables section with matching UI for each convar kind.

Definitions take place in fxmanifest.lua of resource, you can specify as many categories as you need:

convar_category 'Category title' {
    'Category description',
        {'Convar title', 'my_resource_convar', 'CV_BOOL', true},
        {'Fill color, red component', 'my_resource_color_r', 'CV_INT', 100, 0, 255},
        {'Fill color, green component', 'my_resource_color_g', 'CV_SLIDER', 10, 0, 255},
        {'Fill color, blue component', 'my_resource_color_b', 'CV_COMBI', 150, 0, 255},
        {'Convar title', 'my_resource_text', 'CV_STRING', 'I am the text, I am the vengeance'},
        {'Convar title', 'my_resource_pwd', 'CV_PASSWORD', '123456'},

        {'Informational convar', '#my_resource_info', 'CV_STRING', 'hi there'},

        {'Replicated convar', '$my_resource_info', 'CV_STRING', 'hi there'}

General schema for convar_category entry:

convar_category 'Category name' {
    'Category description', -- required entry, so don't miss it
        ... -- convar entries

General schema for convar entry:

 -- Only visible in project settings UI
    'Convar title',

 -- Convar name to use when calling convar natives
 -- prepend name with # for `information`
 -- or $ for `replicated`
 -- It is important that you namespace your convar names
 -- this will help eliminating convar conflicts with other resources

 -- Default value, depends on convar kind

 -- CV_INT, CV_SLIDER, CV_COMBI accept optional min and max values
    min, -- optional
    max, -- optional


Convar of any kind can be of 3 types:

  • Server only
  • Information - name starts with # symbol, #my_resource_info convar from example above.
  • Replicated - name starts with $ symbol, $my_resource_repl convar from example above.


CV_BOOL: boolean

Renders checkbox UI control.

In code use GET_CONVAR native to read the value.

Despite it’s name, actual value will be 'true' or 'false' strings.

CV_INT: integer

Renders number input UI control.

In code use GET_CONVAR_INT native to read the value.

CV_SLIDER: integer

Same as CV_INT, but adds slider UI control, value can only be changed with slider UI control.

CV_COMBI: integer

Same as CV_SLIDER, but value can be changed both via slider and input UI controls.

CV_STRING: string

Render string input UI control.

In code use GET_CONVAR native to read the value.


Same as CV_STRING, but value will be hidden behind dots in UI.

It’s worth nothing to mention that if this is an actual secret, this should not be of replicated or information convar type.

CV_MULTI: string

Renders select UI control.

In code use GET_CONVAR native to read the value.

Default value of such convar entry is an array of possible value string, where actual default value is the first array item.

For example, consider such definition:

convar_category 'Test' {
        {'Jacket color', '#my_resource_jacket_color', 'CV_MULTI', {

In UI you’ll be able select one of these colors.

Watch and build commands

If your resource needs to be built before server can consume it, i.e. for TypeScript or C# resources, you can instruct FxDK to run build tools for you.

As for convars, this takes place in fxmanifest.lua of resource:

fxdk_watch_command 'command', { ...arguments }
fxdk_build_command 'command', { ...arguments }


These commands will be started by FxDK if resource is enabled and autorestart is enabled.

For example, you have TS resource, you’re using Yarn and there’s watch script entry in your package.json, then you let FxDK know of this:

fxdk_watch_command 'yarn' { 'watch' }

This is basically equivalent of how’d run it from terminal:

$ yarn watch

Do note that in terminal you split arguments with space, while here you split them in separate strings in arguments array.

Let’s take a look at C# resource example, that was generated with C# template:

fxdk_watch_command 'dotnet' {'watch', '--project', 'Client/my-resource.Client.csproj', 'publish', '--configuration', 'Release'}

In terminal it’d look like this:

$ dotnet watch --project Client/my-resource.Client.csproj publish --configuration Release


Build commands are the same as watch ones, except that they’ll run only when building project, so if resource requires building, make sure to add matching build command in addition to watch command.

Resource building

By default, when building project, FxDK will run build commands (if any), copy whole resource content to respective resource folder in project build folder, this means that even source file will be copied over there.

You can limit what exactly gets copied in the .fxdkignore file in resource root. It behaves the same way as .gitignore files and pretty much follows it’s syntax. However, for a now, this file will be taken into account only in resource root, having it in any subfolder won’t have any effect.